Shopping for car insurance can be frustrating and confusing. Perhaps that is why many people choose to keep the same coverage rather than shop around when the time comes to renew. Shopping around means spending days getting quotes from multiple agents, whereas buying direct could leave you without an advocate who will work to ensure you purchase the coverage you really need to protect your future and finances. Shouldn’t there be an easier way? If you think your options are limited when it comes to car insurance, you probably haven’t worked with an independent agent. Continue reading to learn the 4 ½ reasons you should be using an independent agent, and why you’ll wish you would have read this blog post sooner.
1. Choice
Nothing empowers you to make great decisions like education and choice. Working with an independent agent opens up a world of options compared to carrier agents, who can only connect you the limited options offered by the company they work for. At an independent agency, you gain access to an entire market of insurance companies and coverage options, allowing you greater choice and selection when shopping for car insurance. Better yet, you can kick back while your agent does the shopping and saves you the time of doing it yourself.
2. Affordability
Price isn’t everything when it comes to car insurance, but it is important. You wouldn’t pay more for the same car you could buy for half the price from another car dealership. It’s the same with your car insurance. Once you know exactly how much coverage you need and how much of a deductible you want to pay, you can line up similar coverage from reputable, competing companies to learn which premiums and discounts will offer you the best value.
3. Impartiality
It’s difficult to find an unbiased opinion in this world, but our independent agents work hard to offer unbiased advice so that you can make a more educated decision about your insurance. Since our loyalty lies with our customers and not an insurance company, we can explain coverage options, discuss company reputations, and review other factors that might influence your decision.
4. Fine-Tuned Coverage
An independent agent’s service does not end once you choose and purchase your policy. With access to multiple Wisconsin insurance companies, independent agents will continue to ensure you are receiving an excellent value for the coverage you need – especially as your circumstances change. Perhaps one insurance company can offer you a great discount once you turn 55. Maybe another one will be more forgiving of a traffic ticket or fender bender. At Carrigan Insurance, we work to ensure you get the most out of your coverage and premium.
½. Assistance
Listing half a reason to use an independent agent might seem silly, but it’s definitely worth mentioning. It’s a half reason because technically, you can receive assistance from any agent. However, using an independent agent at Carrigan Insurance gives you a local car insurance office you can walk into right here in Waukesha, anytime you need to talk to someone you know and trust, face-to-face. Our team is here to support you in any way we can, from answering your questions to helping you file your claims. It’s hometown service from a family-owned agency that has served our community for decades.
If you are in the market for car insurance, or you have never used an independent agent before, come find out why so many people choose Carrigan Insurance for their coverage needs. Call us today to speak with one of our helpful team members and get started on your quotes. We look forward to serving you soon.